Welcome to Touch-Line's football stats XML feed.

Please ensure you have a valid username and password as these are required with all calls to access data.
These should be used as follows:

The commands you can use are listed below. Click on a command to view details on usage:



cuid CountryID You can get country id's by using the COUNTRIES_LIST command.
coid CompetitionID You can get competition id's for a specific country by using the SHOW_COUNTRY command.
agef Age From Used to filter list of players by age .
aget Age To Used to filter list of players by age .
appf Appearances From Used to filter list of players by appearances .
appt Appearances To Used to filter list of players by appearances .
glsf Goals From Used to filter list of players by goals scored.
glst Goals To Used to filter list of players by goals scored.
pos Position Used to filter data by general playing position e.g by Defender.
prev Previous Season Used to filter list of players using previous season stats.
lang Language You can get language id's by using the LANGUAGE_LIST command.

